Rory O’Kane is an indie/folk singer/songwriter from Derry, Northern Ireland, spending most of his life living in Milton Keynes, England. Playing pubs, clubs, live music venues and festivals wherever he can.
Upcoming gigs
24th of June @ O’Shea’s Bar and Grill, Luton
8th of July @ F1 Silverstone Woodlands
23rd of July @ The Golden Bell, Leighton Buzzard
29th of July @ MK11 Live Music Venue’s Rumfest
30th of July @ MK11 Live Music Venue’s Rumfest

His debut album, Standing By The Lights was released in 2022.
Rory O’Kane – Vocals + Guitar
Louie Ramon – Rhythm Guitar
Dylan Wells – Bass guitar
Adam Blunden – Lead Guitar
Joel Blunden – Drums
Rory O’Kane will be touring around the UK + Ireland very soon to place a near you, so keep an eye out for tour details.
Please email for booking enquiries on rorynokane@gmail.com
Check back for merch and announcements.
Meanwhile listen to Rory O’Kane on iTunes and Spotify